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I'm A Makeup Artist... No Wait.. A Blogger?

Okay, after months of debating with myself- I've decided to take a leap of faith and start a blog. I am a opinionated and compassionate person- who just so happens loves to write. (Brains and Beauty- go figure). I figured why not start a blog?!

First things first- my blog will encompass...(drum roll please)... all things makeup! BUT I will also talk about many other topics. This will be a one stop shop so-to-speak. Everything from makeup to make up (relationships). I am not an expert on everything, I am however a expert at my own personal experiences. Whatever I blog about will be from that point of view and hopefully with that it will spark your interest.

I want my readers to treat this as they would a new born baby. I have to crawl before I walk. Grow with me!

With that being said- Let's get this blogging started!!

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