My first makeup video on my YouTube channel. Click the link below for the full video!https://youtu.
#TheSMAQDiaries #BeautyBySMAQ #YouTube #Makeup #Subscribe #BHCosmetics #JuviasPlace #Morphe #LAGirlProConcealer #MUA #MUE
Tips and Tricks for Up and Coming Makeup Artist
Greetings and Salutations to all my makeup lovers and aspiring makeup artist. When I first decided to become a freelance makeup artist...
K.M. Speaks
Beauty By SMAQ: Shanesha The Queen Shanesha The Queen Beauty By SMAQ Owner Beauty By SMAQ is slowly but surely taking over the makeup...
What's the Big "Deal?" Drug Store Makeup vs Higher End Makeup
I hear it time and time again. The big debate between drug store or more cost efficient makeup versus the higher end makeup. You may...
I'm A Makeup Artist... No Wait.. A Blogger?
Okay, after months of debating with myself- I've decided to take a leap of faith and start a blog. I am a opinionated and compassionate...
IndieNation - Indie Music Blog Interview
My name is Shanesha. I’ve been modeling for almost a year now. I am a plus sized model who resides in Dallas. Besides modeling I also am...
JP and Associates Realtors Interview
BEAUTY BY SMAQ Shanesha Scott is a Dallas based makeup artist and is the owner of Beauty By SMAQ. Beauty By SMAQ has been around since...